Wednesday, March 28, 2007

De Unævnelige

De Unævnelige
Originally uploaded by lasse22.

The Royal Life Guard, shift of guard duty - yesterday at 14:00
Flawless execution of commands.


Friday, March 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by lasse22.

I'm moving tomorrow.
To the allotment garden.
I'll be posting again i a weeks time i guess.
See ya!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I found this Italian guy on flickr. He has made a lot of short movies that are great!
Check out the link to these movies here:


Monday, March 19, 2007

More wooden blocks

I'm the guy in the black sweater and brown pants

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Stacking wood

OK this is what I've been doing lately


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The strangest sky

_MG_2588, originally uploaded by lasse22.

The sun was shining - and at the same time there was a heavy heavy local fog at the opera island

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Et Mangfoldigt København?

Hvis du syntes vi skal have/ eller bevare et mangfoldigt København -så læs her:

Københavns kommune har svigtet brugerne af
Ungdomshuset ved ikke at tage et fuldt ansvar
for deres ungdomskultur og ved at overlade deres
fremtid til private fonde.

Jeg opfordrer med min underskrift Københavns
Kommune til at repræsentere alle unge og ikke
kun de veltilpassede unge.

Jeg tager afstand fra de voldelige optøjer anført
af en mindre kerne af kriminelle elementer.

Skriv under her!

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Latest News From The Allotment Garden

The new painted cupboard doors
We tore down a wall, painted everything white and rebuild the kitchen, next up is the new floor of which you can see a plank in the right side of the photo

The never ending road. (A fog rolled in)


Sunday, March 04, 2007


Yes - Swedish police cars in the streets of Copenhagen, no kidding!
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Friday, March 02, 2007

Mere Nørrebro

Stengade i brand


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Nørrebro Brænder

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